The Next 1000 Days

June 30, 2022

And all the days before then?

There is one main element of our lives we have in common. Yes it’s true we are all born & we shall all die. But I’m talking about in between. “The Dash,” some call it. In however long that dash is one thing and only one thing is the same for all. The time we spend in between passes exact the same without question. It is the C in E=MC2. The C is Celeritas. Latin for speed and it represents time as a constant. Most of all, it is ever present in it’s passing.

Perception trumps fact but fact is irrefutable

That being said, how we experience it can alter our perspective of how that time passes. Quickly or slowly. Productively or wasted. Happily or not so.

Just ask anyone waiting on their Mom’s best pie to come out of the oven, or a child waiting for the last day of school to end. They’ll tell you time passed at a snails pace. It drags on like a politicians stump speech. However, having nearly six decades in my rear view mirror, more than I have left in front of me, I feel they have passed by at light speed, just a blur. Gone so fast I can hardly recollect all that happened. The perception is altered by the circumstance and the fact it all passed at the same pace doesn’t seem to matter at all.

What does that have to do with the 1000 days title you ask? Why all this talk about time? Well 1000 days ago I could walk, run, sleep, sit and do everything I set my mind on doing, within reason. Time passed and life was good. Problem is, I thought I’d always be able to do just that, whatever I set my mind to. In my mind, I had plenty of time and I would do whatever, whenever. It’s not that I procrastinated or was lazy; I just always knew I had time on my side. My perception was flawed. The thing is, I’m not doing any of those things at all and time has slipped by me. Facts changed, it’s the old saying, “Man Plans and God laughs.” The whatever whenever is no longer my option. Truth is, I’ve been forced to focus what I never thought a moment about. Things it took for granted, like trying to walk without losing my balance, or making my legs run again, possibly sleeping all night tonight, or can I sit without pain at my desk today. I had taken for granted all of these and the myriad of more important things. In all that I realized is how much life goes on…without your consent. Time doesn’t care what you want. Time does not take sides; Not yours, not mine. Time is the C. The C is Celeritas. Again; Latin for speed. Einstein knew.

I wish I had that 1000 days back. What I would do with those days. Well of course I’d alter the events of my accident. But more importantly, I’d be a better man. I’d tell my family how much they have enriched my life. I’d forgive those who I held grudges against. Those grudges only wasted my time and soured my happiness, not theirs. I’d pray and thank God more for what I’m blessed with. Most of all, I’d visit my Mom and Dad, my kids and grands, my brothers and sisters as much as I could. You see my dad has passed within those 1000 days. I miss him. I told him I loved him many times. Never enough though. So the real question is, what would I do that would change my life most if I had those 1000 days again? I’d change the facts that made my perception flawed. I’d love better those whom truly love me. My family. My friends.

Making Up for Lost Time

Fortunately, for the most part, I am able to do that in my future. I can make up for lost time with those whom I still have. The past is still a bucket of ashes. It has not much use. But I know what I learned from it and what I need to do.

So I the gist of my story today is don’t wait for a 1000 days to change or learn. Don’t wait a single minute of a day after any day you think you have. Love and allow yourself to be loved. My dad did just that every day of his 90 years. Be that person for those around you. Your time will be well spent. And you’ll never wish for a single day back, let alone the last 1000 days.

For you Dad. You are still and will always be my Hero. I Love You!

More about tpeters

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