August 27, 2021


The First Fish Story

“Eventually the watcher joined the river, and there was only one of us. I believe it was the river.”― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It I don’t remember precisely the first time that I cast a line into a body of water, but I remember my first rod. It was red with a Zebco 202 on it. My dad taught me how to tie a knot, bait the hook, press the button, roll back, and then sling forward sending...

16 feet to Zero in .9937 Seconds

Gravity Sucks! The Fall… The Whole Story. October 4th, 2019 I read somewhere every major event, good or bad, has a series of smaller events (micro-events) that occur leading up to it. It’s these circumstance or events which created the course of your personal history. Any slight change in those micro-events and the outcome is altered dramatically. Looking back now, I can site those events that lead to that fateful morning. The one second fall. Number One: Bullshitting with Tom....