

The Next 1000 Days

And all the days before then? There is one main element of our lives we have in common. Yes it’s true we are all born & we shall all die. But I’m talking about in between. “The Dash,” some call it. In however long that dash is one thing and only one thing is the same for all. The time we spend in between passes exact the same without question. It is the C in E=MC2. The C is Celeritas....

Life Changing, It’s the Simple Things really

It hadn’t really sunk in. What all it would mean, that is. Ok, I knew I had a “life changing” injury and had just undergone three spinal surgeries, but what did “life changing” really mean? Does anyone actual consider the weight of those words, really? “Life changing.” If none of this makes sense, then I think you may have skipped forward in the blog. Go back and read the others. I promise it’ll bring it all in focus. Now, where...

Awake, Yes. Alert, Uh NO! Where the Hell Am I?

“Who’s wine? What wine? Where the hell did I dine.” ~ Peter Frampton I’ve Woke a few times confused about my whereabouts. This was different. Anesthesia does strange things to a guy. Memory loss, paranoia, and hallucinations are all part of the trip. I can honestly say that I know I had recall on waking up from the first two of the three surgeries but today, nothing. I don’t remember them at all. The third time they cut me, however,...

This isn’t a TV Trauma Center

Oh Nurse… I’m in here. On the myriad of TV medical dramas the trauma patient comes in by ambulance and everyone is ready to jump right on his case. He goes to surgery after a split second diagnosis and a skill surgeon from the ER saves his life. That’s TV; its as real as FOX, CNN, or MSNBC news is. Pure Fiction my friends. In real life the man with a crushed back is flown in to the trauma1 center...

Why is it We Only Make Note of First Times

‘I’ll never forget the first time I……” Even as I type this my wife was telling her mom a first time story herself. It seems we hang on those firsts. “I’ll never forget the first time…” We talk a lot about firsts, don’t we. There are pictures we take and stories we tell about them. News makers are often the first to do something. Our parents watch our firsts and celebrate them. Firsts are a benchmark of accomplishment and of...

EMT and friends taking me out of the woods


Actually, 4 wheelers, trucks, ambulances & helicopters “I fell” Those two words were all I texted my friend. It was all I could manage shaking as bad as I was shaking. I spent a few minutes trying to gather myself up. My thoughts were a mosaic of shattered glass. “How am I getting back up?” “Is my bow ok?” “What did I break?” “Am I bleeding?” “I messed up Tom’s morning.” “It’s too early to call anyone.” “Oh shit, oh...

The First Fish Story

“Eventually the watcher joined the river, and there was only one of us. I believe it was the river.”― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It I don’t remember precisely the first time that I cast a line into a body of water, but I remember my first rod. It was red with a Zebco 202 on it. My dad taught me how to tie a knot, bait the hook, press the button, roll back, and then sling forward sending...

16 feet to Zero in .9937 Seconds

Gravity Sucks! The Fall… The Whole Story. October 4th, 2019 I read somewhere every major event, good or bad, has a series of smaller events (micro-events) that occur leading up to it. It’s these circumstance or events which created the course of your personal history. Any slight change in those micro-events and the outcome is altered dramatically. Looking back now, I can site those events that lead to that fateful morning. The one second fall. Number One: Bullshitting with Tom....